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- Gmplaygui version 1.3
- Written by John Owen-Jones June 1997 snoopy@thenet.co.uk
- What is Gmplaygui
- Gmplaygui is a gui for that fantastic Midi Player Gmplay
- Written by Alessandro de Luca and Christian Buchner.
- If you hate Gmplaygui blame me not Alessandro and Christian
- Since they have nothing to do with this Gui.
- This version of Gmplaygui is freeware
- Alessandro de luca and Christian Buchner are free to include this
- Interface with thier distribution of Gmplay if they so wish.
- becouse Without Gmplay my Gui is completely useless.
- System Requirements
- Any System that has Gmplay installed should be able to run Gmplaygui
- however this gui hasn't been tested on any other workbench version
- except WB3.0/3.1
- Installation
- just put the program where ever you like
- however Gm: must be assigned
- since the gui needs to find Gm:Gmplay to play the midi files
- Useage
- This has changed quite a bit since the last version but i'm sure you
- will like the changes.
- simply click on the icon and the gui will come up.
- there are now 8 buttons and three sliders
- first of all I'll explain the presets
- Please note once you start playing a track
- or group of tracks there isn't any way of altering them whilst your
- current selections are playing without restarting.
- there is a cycle gadget for setting one of three preset replay frequencys
- (the default is 10,000 Hz which most systems should cope with).
- There is also a slider for frequency so you can optimise for your system
- and load.
- The volume sliders allows you to alter the volume. as midi is relatively
- quiet I like about 120 but personal tastes differ default is 100
- The channel slider allows you to alter the number of channels 32 is the
- default.
- Single Play Mode.
- This is pretty much the same as in previous versions
- the load gadget lets you choose a Midi file
- the play gadget lets you play the track.
- the skip gadget will stop the track playing
- the killPlist will stop both a single track and a multitrack selection
- Multiplaymode.
- ok to use multiplay mode you select a track as in single play mode using
- the load gadget but then you use the Multi button to play the midi file's
- in the directory skip will cause the current track to stop playing and the
- next track to play. KillPlist will stop the whole selection.
- once this is pressed you can do one of several things you can now alter
- the presets volume replay frequency channels, and play the single track you
- selected earlier or replay the playlist. you could have also pressed the
- load button and selected another track or directory in which case play will
- play the track you selected then and multi will play the new dir selected.
- The close gadget lets you close the gui entirely once you have made your
- selections and still play single or multitracks (before it used to stop any
- midi files playing).
- To stop a current playlist you can select another dir and a file and then
- hit killplist to kill the current playing playlist and then select multi for
- your your new multi-selection or just play for a single track.
- Actually it isn't as complicated as it sounds honestly.
- bugs and other stuff
- GmPlay runs best on a powerful amiga.
- which is why I've included the replay frequency gadget
- 10,000 hz is the least demanding frequency
- 20,000 hz gives a fairly good quality playback but is more demanding
- 28,867 hz is the maximum replay frequency on a Ocs Amiga
- I personally prefer the 20,000 Hz option as this allows you to
- carry on with other tasks while gmplay is running without the music
- glitching,(which it does on my 28Mhz 030 system If I start doing other
- tasks).
- However 10,000 Hz replay rate is also pretty good.
- History
- Oct96 Gmplaygui 0.1 beta first release.
- Nov96 GmPlaygui 0.2 beta
- Implimented asynchronous playing routines
- Dec96 GmPlayGui 0.3 beta
- Rewrote the gui fixing a few bugs along the way
- added hotkeys for the Play Stop and load Gadgets
- Jan97 GmPlayGUI 0.4 beta
- Bug fixes mainly window title no longer corrupted
- when a valid mid file isn't chosen
- More Intelligent Use of the file requester
- It now remembers where it has been so no more wading
- through loads of drawers to get to your midi files
- well only once at least.
- Mar97 GmplayGui 0.9 beta
- added sliders to give additional control on volume
- channels and replay frequency.
- Jun97 GmplayGui 0.95 beta
- Found a new version of Gmplay had been released and
- the previous version of the gui just wasn't going to
- work with it Essentially this is the same as ver 0.9
- Jun97 GmplayGui 1.0
- Finally a Version that works quite Nicely finally with
- gmplaygui version 1.3 pity it doesn't work with 1.2 :-(
- Implimented a multi-play mode. It's meant control has
- got a little more complicated but you'll like it i'm
- sure
- jun97 GmPlayGui 1.1
- Fixed incompatabilitys between versions 1.2 and 1.3 of
- Gmplay now this gui works with both versions and believe
- me that was a pain to impliment.
- Still need that GM: assign i'm afraid It's a real hassle
- to use the env variable gmdir.
- jun97 GmplayGui 1.1a
- oh no dex found it wouldn't work with 1.2 fixed it again
- btw if you use a big font in the title bar it cramps the
- gui i'll try an fix this later.
- jun97 GmplayGui 1.3
- fixed the title bar problem (this was quite awkward to do)
- Increased the intellegence of the gui now it writes a file
- to ram:t called current if it exists then Gmplaygui will use
- this to determine where it should go look for midi files
- basically you now get a path remembered when you close and
- reopen gmplaygui. because it is set to ram: a reboot will
- ensure it doesn't ask for some nonexistant volume.
- why did i do it this way well really because it's the only
- volume i can definately write to and 2ndly its possible to
- invalidate a drive if there isn't enough time to write the
- variable back to your hd on reboot.
- Known bugs (non fatal)
- Its a bind but large default fonts will stuff up the display
- If you don't use a huge font you may not even notice
- Perhaps i should have used a gadtools gadget for the track
- display from the start. If it really bothers you Email me and
- I will fix it.
- future plans
- Future versions will be more flexable allowing more options to be used.
- any thing else ya fancy let me know.
- Any Comments bug reports Queries suggestions regarding Gmplaygui
- Can be sent to
- John Owen-Jones
- 2 Sidney Terrace,
- BarGate
- Lincoln
- Lincolnshire
- Uk
- LN5 8BZ
- Email snoopy@thenet.co.uk (prefered method of contact)
- Any Querys regarding Gmplay itself please refer to
- The Gmplay.guide file